Make a coin vibrate without touching it

Part of the magic of doing science projects is the fun experiments that you get to conduct along the way. For instance if you told a person that you would make a coin vibrate without touching it, most would think you are setting out to perform a magic trick. Not true, all you would be doing is putting good use to the science principles you know.

Most of the tricks that are performed by magicians on stage are actually just a tribute to science and some fancy hand work. The hand moves faster than the eye can see after some practice and it becomes magic. That is why magicians never tell their secrets. It would kill the MAGIC!

For those of you still curious about how to make that coin vibrate, here’s the deal. You get a glass bottle and a coin which will cover the opening completely. Now place the bottle in the fridge and chill it. Take out the empty and by now cold bottle and place the coin on top of its opening.

Now place the bottle on a table with the coin on top. Hold the bottle with both hands and wait for the bottle to warm up. Soon you will see the coin begin to vibrate. Why does it happen? You heated the air inside the bottle with your hands. The air expanded and tried to escape from the mouth of the bottle! Get more Air Pressure Experiments here.

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Light and Dark

A laser is an interesting instrument. It allows you to study the nature of light and darkness. You can see what makes up a single stream of focused light if you know just how to split it up.

The word “LASER” stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Which means that it is essentially a constant stream of photons are emitted from a light source. A single beam allows the light to be focused on any point in the room that you desire.

This is what is also used as a pointer in presentations where the slide is reflected on a screen and the speaker needs to pin point a specific part. It can be a fun toy to play with. It can also be a good tool to learn more about the nature of light.

For experiments related to the use of lasers take a look at this article here. There are simple science experiments for you to perform which you will enjoy. And if you have access to a fog machine it will really look awesome.

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Chemistry in the Kitchen

Did you ever laugh at the Chemistry lab being blown up by Archie? Did you sympathize with Professor Flutesnoot? Did you ever think that you could do the same science experiments in your kitchen?

Now hold on and pay attention. I don’t want you to go blowing up the kitchen at home and saying it was my idea. However I do want you to understand that you can do a whole lot of chemical reactions in the kitchen.

Think of the kitchen as a place where you have acids available to you without adult supervision. Citric acid for instance, is present in the lemon you cut to make your lemonade. Add rock salt and the lemonade turns pink because of the chemical reaction that takes place.

Another highly reactive substance lying around in a kitchen is Baking Soda. You mom makes use of it to make the cakes she bakes light and fluffy. Ever wonder about the chemical reaction behind that which helps trap air in the cake batter?

If you are looking for a safe and easy experiment to do in your kitchen check out this article here. It may prove that you have some kitchen wizard skills. Cook up a magical batch of science experiments as you understand the chemistry behind it. Have fun!

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Working models and games

Imagine interesting science projects that actually are fun to play with. Making sparks fly from the ends of swords or getting a gentle fog to descend on the room. These are not so difficult to do when you know the science behind them. And they can become a part of your science fair project with ease.

Simple but working science projects that actually do something are always more interesting than detailed models that do nothing. That is why even something as simple as a parachute dropping an egg from a height is much more interesting than charts and reports.

So the minute you add motion to the project it captures the attention of the viewers. If you add an interactive element it will become even more popular. That is why the games at a fair are more popular than the displays. Ever notice that they have the largest crowds?

They are also more likely to catch the attention of the judges. So put on your thinking cap and come up with interesting games and working models that use science principles. Check out the Fun Aero plane that you can make here. It would be fun to fly this at the science fair.

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Does the amount of light received affect the plant’s growth?

For a plant to grow healthy and strong it needs light, water, and fertile soil to grow in, but what happens of the light it gets is not enough? Is there an optimum level of light that the plant must have to grow well? In this science experiment we are going to use three plants of the same kind and roughly of the same size to check this fact out.

Does the plant that gets less light grow more or less than the one which gets a whole lot more light? To make the experiment easier to control we will use just artificial light on all three plants. We will set the three plants in cubicles in similar pots, but we will vary the quality of light that each plant will receive. To do so we will use a 25 watt bulb, a 100 watt bulb and a 200 watt bulb.

Now make a record chart for your observations of each plant. Make sure that the lights are far enough from the plants so that the heat generated from them does not damage the plants. Observe the condition of the plants over a period of 10 days on a daily basis. At the end of ten days which plant is looking the healthiest? Look out for more science experiments here.

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Science Experiments in the kitchen

Who said that science experiments had to be done in labs? You can have your own set of experiments in the kitchen. I know that I can cook potatoes faster if I mix them with some aborigines. I don’t know why, but something about the two vegetables being cooked together tends to speed up the cooking time needed.

Here are a few ideas that you can try out.  Does adding salt to water make it boil faster than the plain water? Try boiling water in two pans and add a spoonful of salt to one of them. Now time them both as the water comes to a boil and check which one boiled faster.

You can even use some fruit in the kitchen to generate electricity. Get some alligator clips and hook them up to copper and zinc electrodes. Add a miniature light bulb to complete the circuit and you will have a bright science project. Use different types of citrus fruits to see which ones generate the power longest.

There is no dearth of experiments for you to perform in the kitchen. And why restrict yourself to science experiments in the kitchen alone? You can get any number of fun projects to do here. Check them out and get started right away.

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Finding the time for making your Science Fair Project

Making a science fair project is more than just putting up any old thing as your entry to the science fair. It involves learning something new and then putting it to practical use. There is a whole lot of work involved if you choose to do it properly and well.

Picking the right idea for your project can make a huge difference to the way you handle your project. If it is something that interests you then you will be willing to work on it at the cost of your social time and despite school work.

Yes the science project will make demands on your time, but if you organize yourself well, you will be able to generate more than enough time to get the project done well. To do this, you will have to ensure that you don’t leave everything to the last minute.

A little bit of work done every day is much better than trying to produce a science project overnight the day before the science fair. Read here about the four secrets to success at the science fair. May be they will inspire you to do your best.

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The Freeze Gun

Remember the science fiction freeze gun which makes the person incapable of moving? Thanks to some science experiments being conducted by researchers these may no longer be fiction very long. The use of electrical impulses by scientists has succeeded in affecting the brains of participants in the experiment by slowing down their physical actions.

Sound familiar? Yes indeed it is possible to affect the actions of a person as Alek Pogosyan of the University College London has proved. The research is actually in aid of developing treatments for those suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Also the activities of the people did not diminish all together like in the science fictions movies.

The activities merely slowed down by about 10 per cent. In Parkinson’s disease the beta activity of the neurons gets accelerated considerably. And before a normal person makes a voluntary movement this same beta activity of the brain drops considerably. By using electrical stimulation the scientists increased the beta activity in the participants of the study.

This made them slow down their physical movements.  Maybe the gun to freeze all movements may not become a reality any time soon, but this study has proved that it is a distinct possibility. Try out other interesting science projects here.

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Science Projects to help the Obese

The number of obese and overweight people in Amercia is at an all time high. Never before have the health risks of being obese been so profound and in your face. Suppose you made a science project which helped the obese to lose weight? After all the health risks of being obese include everything from developing diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol.

So what kind of science project can involve obesity? You can study the factors leading to obesity in your project report. A section can deal with the health hazards associated with being obese including fatal cardiac arrests. The display board can include the “work out the ideal weight” charts as per your height. There can also be a list of things to do to become fit again.

And may be you could design a machine which helps you exercise and stay fit. It can be a simple stepper which works on the principle of an escalator. It may not even need to be motorized. It can work on the power of the human stepping on it. Much like the cycle that runs on man generated power. All you will need to do is get the basic structure soldered in shape and put a rubber sheeting on top. Check out more interesting displays here.

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The eye in the sky – Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope orbits the Earth at an altitude of 612 km which would work out to about 380 statute miles. It moves at 28,000 kph around the Earth, which would be about 17,500 mph. To complete one orbit at that high speed and altitude the Hubble Space Telescope takes just 97 minutes.

Of the many beautiful photographs that the Hubble telescope has sent some have become pivotal  to understanding the world out in space. Some science experiments have born out the amazing details of galaxies and far away stars which were only guessed about before.

One of the reasons why the telescope is so much more effective is because it does not have to peep through the whole spectrum of Earth’s atmosphere. The atmosphere tends to distort our view of the stars and heavenly bodies. Preventing us from seeing the true picture so to say.

With the telescope being place out in space the view is much clearer. Plus the records come from all directions around the Earth. There are a number of interesting science projects that you can base on pictures of outer space. Even if you have your own little telescope you can make a map of the night sky from your back yard. That will make an interesting way to record the objects in the sky.

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