Robots that can teach themselves

So far everything that a robot can do is usually programmed into its memory banks by a human. It does not take a genius to realize that if the robot is faced with a problem that it has not yet encountered it will stop functioning. However the research done by some Japanese scientists on this particular science project may counter that claim.

These scientists have come up with a robot that can think, act and learn new behavior patterns. Then it will retain this new skill in its make up for the next time it encounters this problem. How does it find the solution in the first place? It uses the internet to get details and then sifts through them to find the correct answer.

So guess what? Human beings are not the only thing accessing Google these days. There are many projects which hope to see robots become companions for humans in the not so distant future. They can look after the elderly and even go grocery shopping for you besides fetch and carry stuff indoors.

The day may not be too far when the robots in your home will be able to fetch you a beer from the fridge, fold your laundry after taking it out from the washing machine and even possibly cook you a simple dinner. For the more science experiments that occur the closer we get to that future vision.

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