What can robots do today?

The ever evolving science experiments in robotics have led to the discovery of a number of new technologies. There are robots who can lift heavy loads, like the industrial ones that South Korea builds. There are robots that can assemble a car like the ones in automobile factories owned by Hyundai.

There are robots that sing and dance karaoke like the Japanese robots that were showcased last year. There are robots who are part of the entertainment industry who stand in as dummies for humans a t times. There are robots that can perform surgical operations of the spine and make a huge difference in a handicapped person’s life.

Then there are robots who can sense the environment and take cues about actions to take from it. They have such advanced sensors that they can predict oncoming rain and make you carry an umbrella when you leave the building. There are robots that clean up huge buildings in no time at all.

There are robots that can have an intelligent conversation with you by answering your questions correctly. And there will be a number of robots who will do all this and more in the future. Robotics is the science of the future and they will have innumerable science projects of interest in the coming decades.

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