Developing your own Robot Collection

Building your own robot can be quite the science fair project. With each passing year you can work on additional features on either the same robot or a different more advanced model. There is only one way to get the robots to improve and that is by constantly upgrading them as technology improves.

There are people who develop robot collections and there are people who buy them. Recently Rick Newman was in the news for his fascinating collection of robotic gadgets. The man is currently said to have the largest robot collection in the world. His eclectic collection includes hobby robots, educational robots and a great deal more.

The man is working on a Halloween computer  lights, sound and laser show. Its going to take place in his own front yard and will last the full month of October. The spooky looking moving figures are all movie robots. And he’s also thinking about doing a re-enactment of MJ’s Thriller using the same robots later in the year.

Of course you can get in over your head if you have that many robots to deal with. Still its not a bad idea to begin your own robot collection with a few that you have built yourself. So for this science fair maybe you can build a spooky looking robot that can double up as a drink serving waiter?

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