The Display Board for your Science Fair Project

There is nothing more appealing than the display of an organized mind set out on a display board. The judges at a science fair project want to see just how you processed the information that led to your science fair project. It is with the help of the display board that you can show them each step that you took.

Of course there are many ways to jazz up your display board and this is just one suggestion that you can use. Or you can build on it and personalize it by adapting it to your own project. What I am about to suggest is to use digital photograph print outs to make your display board more attractive.

What photos would you use? Different stages that your project went through before it became the final product that you are demonstrating. This kind of display works best for a working model that you have constructed. What you can do is take snaps of the model in various stages of construction.

Now string up these snaps with captions and add a sheet on the side explaining what you were accomplishing at that stage of model construction. This will give you a sort of baby book for your working science fair model. It will include the theory and the actually work that you did on your display board in a unique manner.

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