How well organized are you?

Being a scientist means that you will organize yourself in a particular manner. You will do things in a preset pattern. Most science fair projects have a series of steps to go through in an organized manner. So does that mean if you are not organized you are not in step with the nature of things? Based on new research it just might be!

Bioengineers at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science what they term as self assembly in particles and molecules. They claim that everything from atomic crystals to spiral galaxies have a tendency to self assemble themselves in a preset pattern. This is exactly what they are studying on a micro particle level.

As per the researchers there is a tendency of micro particles of different materials to align themselves in a specific pattern if they are randomly thrown together. This self assembly behavior was definitely not what the scientists expected. It was found that self-assembly at the molecular level is particularly prevalent in biological processes.

The unique phenomenon whereby randomly dispersed micro particles self-assembled into a highly organized structure as they flowed through micro scale channels has fascinated the researchers. So guess what you may be predisposed on a molecular level to be well organized.  Still don’t think being so organized is your cup of tea? Try organizing this.

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