Science Experiments in the kitchen

Who said that science experiments had to be done in labs? You can have your own set of experiments in the kitchen. I know that I can cook potatoes faster if I mix them with some aborigines. I don’t know why, but something about the two vegetables being cooked together tends to speed up the cooking time needed.

Here are a few ideas that you can try out.  Does adding salt to water make it boil faster than the plain water? Try boiling water in two pans and add a spoonful of salt to one of them. Now time them both as the water comes to a boil and check which one boiled faster.

You can even use some fruit in the kitchen to generate electricity. Get some alligator clips and hook them up to copper and zinc electrodes. Add a miniature light bulb to complete the circuit and you will have a bright science project. Use different types of citrus fruits to see which ones generate the power longest.

There is no dearth of experiments for you to perform in the kitchen. And why restrict yourself to science experiments in the kitchen alone? You can get any number of fun projects to do here. Check them out and get started right away.

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