Presenting a Model at the Science Fair

Your model is made, you are ready with your display board and your science fair report is written. So what else is left for you to do? You need to now work on your presentation skills for showcasing your model to the judges at the science fair. Just remember it is a competition and the only way to win is to take active part in the game.

Start with the script. Don’t think that you can ad lib it when you see the judges. A good written script will allow you the freedom to work on your expressions once you have the words down pat. Try this paragraph from the BBC’s Science and Nature website for a conversation starter.

“Our Solar System began forming about 4.6 billion years ago from a swirling gas cloud. Over time, the gas cooled and clumped together to form large bodies called ‘protoplanets’. The ‘left over’ material became comets, roaming silently through the Solar System.

Doesn’t this sound much better than anything that you can come up with on the spur of the moment. Now get down to writing a script which will take you about a minute and a half to speak out. Not more than that as it will become too long. Stick to the important bits and be prepared for any questions that may follow from your presentation script.

If you need more tips to spruce up your presentation skills take a look here. The trick to being confident during the presentation is knowing all your facts well. After that it is easier to answer questions thrown at you from the judges and your confidence will shine through in your answers.

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