Black Hole Power Generator

When we think of a Black Hole, one automatically gets the danger sign in the head. However it seems that one need not wave the red flag all the time as they could be useful. A Black Hole could become the ultimate power generator as per Stephen Hawkins.

As per Professor Hawkins a mountain sized black hole could provide enough x-rays and gamma rays to power the entire world’s electricity supply. The single black hole would be able to generate 10 million megawatts of electricity. That is the good part. The not so good part is actually finding a way to harness that power.

Remember we want to tap into the power without unleashing the pull of the black hole on us or our planet. If one tried to place the mountain sized black hole in a power station it would simply get pulled to the centre of the Earth. That is not the ideal location for a power station.

Of course this is assuming that we finally come up with a viable science project that allows us to find small enough black holes and transport them through outer space to us without incident. Lots of strings to be tied up in this project.

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