Daily Activities and their Carbon Footprints

Did you know that energy is needed for just about every activity that we do these days? You can literally not take a sip of water and not contribute to the Carbon Footprint, or addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Here is an eye opener for simple, day to day activities that you may not have realized actually have a carbon footprint.

When you sit and watch TV for two hours on a 24- inch plasma screen television, you have managed to created a carbon footprint of 440 gm. This is the equivalent of driving a car for some 1.6 km. If you have a 32 inch LCD screen that you watched for the two hours, the carbon footprint just came down to 176 gm. Yes, the older technology is actually greener.

Did you just order yourself a large cappuccino? You just added 235 gm to the atmosphere! How did that happen, you wonder? Partly because of the cow that was contributing to the milk that coffee needed to be made. A black tea or coffee cup, made at home where just enough water for that one cup was boiled would just cause a carbon footprint of 21 gm.

Bottles water has nearly 1150 times the emissions attached to it compared to a glass of simple tap water. As a 500 ml bottle contributes 160 gms to the atmosphere as compared to the 0.14 gm of the tap water. Just let this science project convince you to be more conscious about your daily lifestyle choices.

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