The One Minute Phone Battery Charger

Smart Phones have become the hand held computers that everyone uses non stop these days to access the information highway. There’s just one draw back. The more Apps you use, the more multi tasking you do, the fast your phone battery gets drained. Recharging is then a forced break in your multi fold activities.

Now imagine that you could recharge your phone battery in just about a minute? Would you buy that device or what!!! Stanford researchers have been working on an inexpensive aluminum battery which could do just that. What’s more the new aluminum batter is supposed to be safer than the alkaline and lithium-ion batteries in use today which do have the nasty habit of occasionally going up in flames.

The aluminum ion battery that they are working on has a lower flammability and higher power storage capacity than batteries currently available in the market. And the secret ingredient is allegedly graphite, which allows the scientsist to give the battery these advantages.

While the new battery is no where near ready to enter the market place in the current date, it will be a sure fire success with all smart phone owners who wish to recharge their mobile phones in under a minute! Here’s wishing this science project a speedy success, after all I own a smart phone too!

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