Meditation Keeps You Young

Meditation has been often used as a tool to beat stressful living. However till now there has been no documented evidence that it could actually keep your brain from aging. The researchers at the University of California – Los Angeles had already established in a previous study that people who meditate have less age-related atrophy in the brain’s white matter.

Now this group of researchers has also found out in a new study that meditation appeared to help preserve the brain’s gray matter. It is the grey matter which is the tissue that contains neurons, or brain cells.  When the researchers studied 50 people who had meditated for years and compared them with 50 others who did not meditate they found that while there was loss in grey matter in both groups, those who meditated had lost lost as much as those who did not meditate.

Dr. Florian Kurth, a co-author of the study and postdoctoral fellow at the UCLA Brain Mapping Center, was surprised at the magnitude of the difference shown by the science experiment. Meditation seems like a great way to enhance your cerebral health as Kurth found that large parts of the gray matter in the brains of those who meditated seemed to be better preserved.


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