Robots for Healing and Therapy

At the Umegaoka Long Term Care Health Facility in Yokohama, Japan dementia patients are been given furry, snow white colored robotic seals. The elderly patients pet the seals, and brush its hair giving them a task which they can easily perform and feel a sense of self worth. The seal is called Paro and its only task is to give love and emotional support to patients who may not even remember their own names on certain days.

Scientific studies have shown that robots can indeed make great care takers for the elderly who essentially are looking for some company or something useful to do to pass their time. If the robot can play a game of chess, or help them move about with greater ease, it is aiding in this purpose. This is why scientists are working all over the world to provide more useful medically sound robots.

The ongoing science project to make robots a larger part of healing and therapy  in Japan comes from the fact that the populations is increasing and the number of care givers currently available in the workforce are unable to keep up with the number of existing patients. Robots who can be trained in healing will be able to take considerable pressure off these care givers.



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