Electronic Mother

Just as your real mother takes care of you, this electronic version is supposed to monitor your actions and give you feedback for your well being. Sen.se have come up with what they call the most user friendly monitoring system which makes dumb things around the house smart. In fact they call it “Mother”!

In order to use this tracking technology people need to place sensors on regular, everyday items such as your toothbrush, the coffee pot, or even a water bottle. These sensors called cookies measure motion with accelerometers, temperature with thermometers, and relay all the information they record via WiFi to the central Mother unit.

Now the sensor on the toothbrush ensures that you brush your teeth properly, and in case you did not the information is displayed on the app which reads like a daily newspaper. It will give you headlines saying that you drank too much coffee or did not have enough water to meet your daily water intake.

In short the science project will let you know exactly how your daily habits are affecting your health. Just like what mother used to do when you were small. So how many of your would like to volunteer for an electronic mother to take care of you?!

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