Your Hand is Your New Credit Card

The arrival of plastic money made it easy for people to shop around the world. You no longer had to carry wads of cash tucked into your wallet to make a payment. One slim plastic credit card was enough to see through all the expenses that you could possibly have. It was revolutionary, but here’s the next big thing – Your Hand!

A Swedish start up company, called Quixter, has created a device that allows you to swipe your hand in place of a credit card to process payments.  The biometric system scans the veins present in your hand to identify you. Once the identification process is complete the payment is approved.

This system is based on the fact that like fingerprints no two human beings have the exact same pattern of veins in their hand. Quixter has tested 15 machine on the campus of Lund University. Fredrik Leifland who is a founder of the start up is a graduate in engineering of the Lund University.

Here is how the system works. You punch in the last four numbers of your phone number and then hold your hand over the sensor to process the payment. The whole transaction takes less than 5 seconds and is a great example of an innovative science project.

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