Archive for December, 2014

Spray On Solar Power

While Solar Power has been refined and made more accessible by many emerging new technologies, none have had the effect that this latest offering from the researchers at the University of Toronto Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering have had. They have come up with a a new way to harness the power of the sun.

The researchers have just come up with a new way to spray solar cells onto flexible surfaces using miniscule light-sensitive materials known as colloidal quantum dots or CQDs. Illan Kramer and his team have now allowed their invention to become a major step toward making spray-on solar cells easy and cheap to manufacture.

Kramer hopes that in the not so distant future it is his dream that one day you’ll have two technicians with Ghostbusters backpacks come to your house and spray your roof with solar cells. The CQDs can be sprayed onto any kind of shaped surface and convert them into solar cells capable of generating power.

What’s more this technology has also made the devices have better control and improved purity. Now it is just a matter of determining how to scale the CQDs and make this new class of solar technology profitably manufactured. An interesting science project which may just solve our future power problems.

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Forgotten Passwords May Not Be a Problem in the Future

One of the most common banes of technology and internet in our lives is remembering a large assortment of passwords to access all the information we need. Email, banking, social media sites, you name it and its has its own online password. And forgetting one of them is simply not an option.

For those of us afflicted with forgetting a great many things, the days of diligently writing down whatever passwords we do not wish to forget, may soon be over. The FIDO Alliance is a non profit organization which brings together the might of Microsoft, Google, VISA, MasterCard and PayPal. Their admirable purpose? To kill passwords as we know them.

What the group is working on is being able to use biometric data such as finger prints, voice recognition or even face recognition as a replacement for traditional word based, written passwords. The system would include a two stage authentication where in besides the biometric identification a unique USB key would also be provided.

This is a science project with great potential uses and is under development at present. Implementation of this system on a planet of ever increasing internet users is going to be a large and perhaps costly affair.


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Potato For Diet Control

Potatoes have always been considered a weight watcher’s worst enemy. They are usually the first food to be stomped out of the diet by any obesity management program. Plus most dietitians consider the humble potato a nightmare, so when you say potato for diet control, people may be excused for considering you crazy.

Only you are not crazy, because researchers at McGill’s University have managed to dig out a fact about potatoes that left everyone, including themselves, flabbergasted. Apparently when mice were being fed an obesity rich diet which included an extract of 30 potatoes daily, they actually went from 25 grams to 16 grams, losing weight.

When details of this science project were studied it was found that the potato extract could actually be a blessing for obese people and those suffering from type 2 diabetes. Of course they do not recommend eating 30 potatoes a day, but rather using the extract in a supplementary form.

There is also talk of being able to make it available as a separate cooking ingredient to use in the kitchen. Although its a long while away from becoming a reality on your kitchen shelf, it is nice to know that this science experiment has taken away some of the angst associated with potatoes.

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Try Some Edible Deodorant

Apparently the candy you eat can work as a deodorant and that is what the makers of Deo Perfume Candy claim. This Bulgarian sweet treat contains a chemical that is secreted through the pores and brings a sweet smell along with it. Spays, Roll Ons and Sticks have been around for a while now, but edible deodorant? That’s the latest craze.

The company offers the candy in two flavors, rose and vanilla, but does it really work? Apparently research conducted in Japan found that a compound in garlic had the ability to emerge through the pores of the skin and scent it. That’s when the manufacturers of the candy decided that they needed something similar but better smelling.

After some experimental research they came up with these two flavored candies which actually tend to make the skin smell sweeter, not exactly roses and vanilla, but somewhat pleasant anyway. The candy deo is now available for sale online and people are buying them as the latest fad.

However there is just one more issue you would have to chomp through at least a couple of packets of candy to be able to experience the deo effect. That is a science project that only who can afford to put on some weight can undertake.

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What Really Causes Volcanoes?

For many years now with the theory of plate tectonics firmly in place people have said that volcanoes are caused when molten material from the Earth’s core manages to seep through to the surface. Now Geophysicists at Virginia Tech are hoping to challenge this theory as they argue that Volcanoes may be caused by something a lot closer.

Something called the asthenosphere, to be precise. This is a layer fairly close to the surface of the Earth lying between 80 to 200 km deep in the Earth’s surface. Don L. Anderson, an emeritus professor with the Seismological Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology, and Scott King, a professor of geophysics in the College of Science at Virginia Tech feel that this layer is responsible for volcanoes and not the previously believed shifting of plates.

They feel that a hot layer just below the plates is what the volcanoes spew out rather than material coming from deep conduits located halfway to the center of the Earth. While traditionally geologists have viewed the asthenosphere as an inactive layer, the new research paper says that it could be the actual source of volcanic activity. While the findings of this science project are interesting more studies need to be conducted to confirm this new hypothesis.

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